Change Your Mind Change Your Life This YEAR

Success in its broadest meaning is not limited to only monetary and material possessions. It reveals as being plentiful in countless and several forms in life and nature. 

The universal spirit of consciousness, craves to continuously manifest and express itself; this power likewise expresses its longing to demonstrate success, which is naturally wanting to develop, to grow and become bigger and stronger.

However, many realize this longing and natural inclination for growth repressed in them, because of negative thinking, unconstructive programming, and not having enough faith in their abilities and themselves. 

Worry, frustration, confusion, sleeplessness and fear are all components of the chaotic mind, making just one simple goal difficult to achieve and hindering success.

There is no success in a mind of chaos.  One needs to attain peace and calmness in the mind in order to encourage positive thoughts.

Normally one finds it very difficult to manage and control the mind. Sometimes, one may feel that the mind is similar to a balloon, blown by the wind, taken to any direction and circumstance the wind takes it. When things come out well, the mind is contented, but when things go badly, instantly the mind becomes very unhappy.

Because the mind and one’s emotions are connected, a disturbance in one will distract the coordination and harmony of the two. For instance, when one gets the result or the relationship that he wants, such as a partner, a job promotion or a new car, one bonds to it very tightly.

However, because often, these possessions and relationships are uncontrollable, the moment that one is separated from all these causes so much pain.   And all the negative emotions causes chaos.

Now Is The Time To Believe


Everyone has that earnest aspiration to succeed.  One’s ability to establish and accomplish goals will mold one’s happiness and success over and above any skill one can ever realize. One can not hit the target when he can not see it.  

The foundation and point of origin of success is that when one decides exactly what he/she really and truly want, in all aspects of his life.

If every individual has that yearning for winning, and if success is accessible to everybody, why then, only a few succeed?  This is because only a few believe in their potentials, and most of all, only a few started by defining and acknowledging a goal, and truly believe in their spirit and minds that they can achieve that goal.

Just wishing for something is so much different from being able and prepared to accept it. Nobody is ever prepared to accept anything until they truly believe that they can obtain it.

The mind must first be i…

Success Begins In The Mind


Success is characterized in various forms, also has many meanings depending on what one is seeking for in his life, relationship and career.  To athletes, success can mean obtaining that gold medal, to parents’ success can mean raising children with good moral values, to doctors, success can mean saving a life and to some it can mean a job promotion or acquiring wealth. It actually depends on one’s perspective of the life that one has. Understanding and success perceptions are as abundant as there are stars in the sky.

One apparent thing about success is that every individual has to determine the true meaning of success in his own life. The one’s who walk through life making an attempt to accomplish “success” through someone else’s standards or through the standards of one’s society will continuously be lacking of that successful feeling.

The modern dictionary defines success as that certain measure or degree of achievement or accomplishment or as a desirable and favorable outcome.

he Importance Of Knowing Yourself

Knowing yourself is a very important task that one has to undertake and the most challenging as well. When one knows who he is and clearly understands what he wants, then he has a better option of discovering how to reach his own success, personal fulfillment and happiness.

Knowing one’s true and inner self will be of great help in working to reach one’s goals more effectively.  It will guide one through the path to success.  It will transport one to such calmness so to improve one’s attitude as well as one’s relationships and connections with others.

Psychologists devote their time helping individuals see and understand things within their inner self which they have long been suppressing from their own selves.  This is natural, as people are skilled at such hiding games.  Often, when one does not wish cope with a certain circumstance or situation, one denies that it had transpired, or translate it so to fit another different pe…

You tradeoff your old self to a new, positive and motivated person, living each day with gusto, zeal and zest working towards your set goals.

Success is never a destination, rather it is a journey that one embarks on daily. Success is achieved through giving emphasis on the importance of one’s blessings with affirmative thoughts, actions and words.

No need to trade off, success continues to flow, to thrive and to increase.  One success should not die in exchange for another.  Success is success, in all aspects!

Here are guidelines:

Live Your Life Purpose In Confidence

It’s time to align yourself FULLY to your destiny and purpose. Feed your mind  daily with our Self - Help  articles.

Unlocking Your Purpose with Confidence

The Topics below are perfectly curated for your needs and well thought out for your self reflection. Take in consideration the intentions of these articles are to add to your lifes value internally to soon reflect in your day-to-day experience NOT take away.

So read with an open mind. Share With Friends, Family and Whomever you feel will benefit from the information shared,

Be Happy With Your Life

Published By Tiani Bolden / Intuitive Amenity 3/31/24


There are a lot of successful individuals out there who are living their life as they
wish to. They're working hard doing what they utterly love to do. The most
successful individuals are those who work towards the things they're passionate
about and like. There are a lot of reasons for this. The more you like what you
do the harder you're going to work at it, as you'll be enjoying your work.
If you feel like you're bored with your life or not doing what you ought to be
doing with it then it's time to make a change. There might be obstructions or
fears holding you back from achieving the goals you've set forth in your life. It's
time to get past the obstructions and make your aspirations occur.
If you're not a happy individual that's a choice, you're arriving at. You've total
control over your life and the conclusions that you arrive at. There are a lot of
factors by which individuals measure happiness. A few individuals believe money
is happiness all the same, they may utterly miserable with what they do on a
day-to-day basis to make their cash.

You may look at individuals who have utterly everything and you endeavor to be
like them. These matters might be wealthiness, possessions, status, or even the
position you hold at work. These matters don’t produce happiness. Happiness is
a selection.
Success isn't measured by income. Even the richest individuals are really
unhappy with their lives. In order to be pleased you have to follow your passions
and the wealth and successes will follow along afterwards.
There are a lot of ways to seek and discover your passion. You may learn what
your passion is by asking yourself a lot of questions. You may have the answer
adorned all over your home and walls. You are an individual who's worth living
their passion. You've the same capabilities as anybody else. You merit happiness
and you deserve to live out your passions.


What Is A Prophet?

Of all the things we seek in a modern world the prophet or prophecy in general doesn’t get very close to the top of the list. Materialism and a host of other distractions keep that interest on the back burner for most people. For those not in the “most people” category here is some help.

What could be better than thinking yourself beautiful?

Your thoughts create reality. At least that’s the belief of many experts and those who have experienced this know exactly what we’re talking about. If you haven’t yet experienced creating your reality, it’s time you did.

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